Andreas Herz Str. 5
85598 Baldham (Germany)

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 8AM - 5.30PM



Stock for sale

The following parts are available for sale. They are new in original packing. Receive a quote within 24h, Contact us today with a target price: Qty P/N MFR DC Comment 3600 R5F211A1SP#U0 Stock France 6000 R5F212F2NFP#U0 RENESAS Stock France 6000…

Stock offer: MLCC Capacitors

ARTronik can deliver MLCC capacitors from stock or short lead time. Get quotes and datasheets within 24h:Contact us today with the parameters you need: Description PN MOQ Lead time 0.1uF 100V X7R +/-10% 0603 T&R RoHS 0603B104K101CR 1-2weeks 0.1uF 10V…

Stock offer: SPXO MEMS Oscillators

We can supply the following products with short lead times. Get quotes and datasheets within 24hContact us today: Package Voltage Frequency Range Precision (PPM) Output Size 20162520322550327050 1,8V2,5V2,8V3,0V3,3V1,62-2,63V 1MHz – 110MHz -20~+70-40~+85±50ppm±25ppm±20ppm LVCMOS 2,0×1,6×0,762,5×2,0×0,83,2×2,5×0,95,0×3,2×1,27,0×5,0×1,3 Inquiry form: